
app_apebn_site_privacy Matched route

Route Parameters

No parameters.

Route Matching Logs

Path to match: /politique-de-confidentialite
# Route name Path Log
1 api_genid /api/.well-known/genid/{id} Path does not match
2 api_errors /api/errors/{status} Path does not match
3 api_validation_errors /api/validation_errors/{id} Path does not match
4 api_entrypoint /api/{index}.{_format} Path does not match
5 api_doc /api/docs.{_format} Path does not match
6 api_jsonld_context /api/contexts/{shortName}.{_format} Path does not match
7 _api_validation_errors_problem /api/validation_errors/{id} Path does not match
8 _api_validation_errors_hydra /api/validation_errors/{id} Path does not match
9 _api_validation_errors_jsonapi /api/validation_errors/{id} Path does not match
10 _api_/checkouts/{id}{._format}_get /api/checkouts/{id}.{_format} Path does not match
11 _api_/checkouts{._format}_get_collection /api/checkouts.{_format} Path does not match
12 _api_/people/{id}{._format}_get /api/people/{id}.{_format} Path does not match
13 _api_/people{._format}_get_collection /api/people.{_format} Path does not match
14 _api_/products/{id}{._format}_get /api/products/{id}.{_format} Path does not match
15 _api_/products{._format}_get_collection /api/products.{_format} Path does not match
16 _api_/users/{id}{._format}_get /api/users/{id}.{_format} Path does not match
17 _preview_error /_error/{code}.{_format} Path does not match
18 _wdt /_wdt/{token} Path does not match
19 _profiler_home /_profiler/ Path does not match
20 _profiler_search /_profiler/search Path does not match
21 _profiler_search_bar /_profiler/search_bar Path does not match
22 _profiler_phpinfo /_profiler/phpinfo Path does not match
23 _profiler_xdebug /_profiler/xdebug Path does not match
24 _profiler_font /_profiler/font/{fontName}.woff2 Path does not match
25 _profiler_search_results /_profiler/{token}/search/results Path does not match
26 _profiler_open_file /_profiler/open Path does not match
27 _profiler /_profiler/{token} Path does not match
28 _profiler_router /_profiler/{token}/router Path does not match
29 _profiler_exception /_profiler/{token}/exception Path does not match
30 _profiler_exception_css /_profiler/{token}/exception.css Path does not match
31 route_account_checks_valid /comptabilite/validation-cheque/{saleId} Path does not match
32 route_account_checks /comptabilite/verification-des-cheques Path does not match
33 route_account_checks_msg /comptabilite/verification-des-cheques/{message} Path does not match
34 app_admin_bingo_index /admin-bingo/ Path does not match
35 app_admin_bingo_new /admin-bingo/new Path does not match
36 app_admin_bingo_show /admin-bingo/{id} Path does not match
37 app_admin_bingo_edit /admin-bingo/{id}/edit Path does not match
38 app_admin_bingo_delete /admin-bingo/{id} Path does not match
39 app_admin_bingo_prize_index /admin/bingo/prize/ Path does not match
40 app_admin_bingo_prize_new /admin/bingo/prize/new Path does not match
41 app_admin_bingo_prize_show /admin/bingo/prize/{id} Path does not match
42 app_admin_bingo_prize_edit /admin/bingo/prize/{id}/edit Path does not match
43 app_admin_bingo_prize_delete /admin/bingo/prize/{id} Path does not match
44 app_admin_device_index /admin-device/ Path does not match
45 app_admin_device_new /admin-device/new Path does not match
46 app_admin_device_show /admin-device/{id} Path does not match
47 app_admin_device_edit /admin-device/{id}/edit Path does not match
48 app_admin_device_delete /admin-device/{id} Path does not match
49 app_admin_event_index /admin/event/ Path does not match
50 app_admin_event_new /admin/event/new Path does not match
51 app_admin_event_summarize /admin/event/summarize/{id} Path does not match
52 app_admin_event_show /admin/event/{id} Path does not match
53 app_admin_event_edit /admin/event/{id}/edit Path does not match
54 app_admin_event_delete /admin/event/{id} Path does not match
55 app_admin_gift_basket_index /admin-gift-basket/ Path does not match
56 app_admin_gift_basket_new /admin-gift-basket/new Path does not match
57 app_admin_gift_basket_show /admin-gift-basket/{id} Path does not match
58 app_admin_gift_basket_edit /admin-gift-basket/{id}/edit Path does not match
59 app_admin_gift_basket_delete /admin-gift-basket/{id} Path does not match
60 app_admin_connect_google /google-auth/connect/google Path does not match
61 app_admin_connect_google_check /google-auth/connect/google/check Path does not match
62 app_admin_inventory_index /admin-inventory/ Path does not match
63 app_admin_inventory_new /admin-inventory/new Path does not match
64 app_admin_inventory_show /admin-inventory/{id} Path does not match
65 app_admin_inventory_edit /admin-inventory/{id}/edit Path does not match
66 app_admin_inventory_delete /admin-inventory/{id} Path does not match
67 app_admin_inventory_supplier_index /admin-inventory-supplier/ Path does not match
68 app_admin_inventory_supplier_new /admin-inventory-supplier/new Path does not match
69 app_admin_inventory_supplier_show /admin-inventory-supplier/{id} Path does not match
70 app_admin_inventory_supplier_edit /admin-inventory-supplier/{id}/edit Path does not match
71 app_admin_inventory_supplier_delete /admin-inventory-supplier/{id} Path does not match
72 app_admin_partner_index /admin-partner/ Path does not match
73 app_admin_partner_new /admin-partner/new Path does not match
74 app_admin_partner_show /admin-partner/{id} Path does not match
75 app_admin_partner_edit /admin-partner/{id}/edit Path does not match
76 app_admin_partner_delete /admin-partner/{id} Path does not match
77 app_admin_person_index /admin-person/all Path does not match
78 app_admin_people_dups /admin-person/people_dups Path does not match
79 app_admin_people_dups_show /admin-person/user/{lastname}/{firstname} Path does not match
80 app_admin_person_dups_delete /admin-person/dups/{id} Path does not match
81 app_admin_volunteers_index /admin-person/volunteers Path does not match
82 app_admin_administrator_index /admin-person/administrators Path does not match
83 app_admin_person_new /admin-person/new Path does not match
84 app_admin_person_show /admin-person/{id} Path does not match
85 app_admin_person_user_show /admin-person/user/{id} Path does not match
86 app_admin_person_edit /admin-person/{id}/edit Path does not match
87 app_admin_person_delete /admin-person/{id} Path does not match
88 app_admin_person_user_delete /admin-person/user/{id} Path does not match
89 app_admin_raffle_index /admin-raffle/ Path does not match
90 app_admin_raffle_new /admin-raffle/new Path does not match
91 app_admin_raffle_show /admin-raffle/{id} Path does not match
92 app_admin_raffle_edit /admin-raffle/{id}/edit Path does not match
93 app_admin_raffle_delete /admin-raffle/{id} Path does not match
94 app_admin_sale_index /admin-sale/ Path does not match
95 app_admin_sale_filtered /admin-sale/filtered Path does not match
96 app_admin_sale_groupby_products /admin-sale/groupbyproducts Path does not match
97 app_admin_sale_groupby_products_compta /admin-sale/groupbyproducts_compta Path does not match
98 app_admin_sale_new /admin-sale/new Path does not match
99 app_admin_sale_show /admin-sale/{id} Path does not match
100 app_admin_sale_edit /admin-sale/{id}/edit Path does not match
101 app_admin_sale_delete /admin-sale/{id} Path does not match
102 app_admin_swap_meet_booking_index /admin-swap-meet-booking/ Path does not match
103 app_admin_swap_meet_booking_new /admin-swap-meet-booking/new Path does not match
104 app_admin_swap_meet_booking_show /admin-swap-meet-booking/{id} Path does not match
105 app_admin_swap_meet_booking_edit /admin-swap-meet-booking/{id}/edit Path does not match
106 app_admin_swap_meet_booking_delete /admin-swap-meet-booking/{id} Path does not match
107 app_admin_swap_meet_index /admin-swap-meet/ Path does not match
108 app_admin_swap_meet_new /admin-swap-meet/new Path does not match
109 app_admin_swap_meet_show /admin-swap-meet/{id} Path does not match
110 app_admin_swap_meet_edit /admin-swap-meet/{id}/edit Path does not match
111 app_admin_swap_meet_delete /admin-swap-meet/{id} Path does not match
112 app_apebn_site_admin / Path does not match
113 app_apebn_site / Path does not match
114 app_apebn_site_whoami /qui_sommes_nous Path does not match
115 app_apebn_site_takeaway /tombola/prevente Path does not match
116 app_apebn_site_team /notre_equipe Path does not match
117 app_apebn_site_partners /nos_partenaires Path does not match
118 app_apebn_site_events /evenements Path does not match
119 app_apebn_site_datas_privacy /donnees-personnelles Path does not match
120 app_apebn_site_legals /mentions-legales Path does not match
121 app_apebn_site_cookies /politique-de-cookies Path does not match
122 app_apebn_site_privacy /politique-de-confidentialite Path almost matches, but Host "" does not match the requirement ("")
123 route_api_get_person_by_phone /origin-api/api//{phone} Path does not match
124 route_api_get_person_by_email /origin-api/api/get-person-by-email/{email} Path does not match
125 route_tempticket_check /origin-api/api/tempticket/check Path does not match
126 api_delete_CB /origin-api/api/sale/deleteCB/{temp} Path does not match
127 api_set_CB /origin-api/api/sale/setCB/{temp} Path does not match
128 api_check_CB /origin-api/api/sale/checkCB/{temp} Path does not match
129 api_store_CB /origin-api/api/sale/storeCB Path does not match
130 api_raffle_select_tickets /origin-api/api/raffle/selectTickets/{number} Path does not match
131 api_vote_temp /origin-api/api/giftBasketTempVote/{giftBasket} Path does not match
132 api_raffle_random_tickets /origin-api/api/raffle/randomTickets/{number} Path does not match
133 api_create_sale /origin-api/api/sale/createSale/{payment}/{status}/{event} Path does not match
134 route_tempticket_remove /origin-api/api/tempticket/remove/{ticket} Path does not match
135 route_tempticket_add /origin-api/api/tempticket/add/{ticket} Path does not match
136 api_raffle_add_tickets /origin-api/api/raffle/add-tickets Path does not match
137 api_create_payment /origin-api/api/create-payment/{amount} Path does not match
138 api_reset_password /origin-api/api/reset-password Path does not match
139 api_reset_password_user /origin-api/api/reset-password/{id} Path does not match
140 api_get_roles /origin-api/api/roles/{user} Path does not match
141 api_change_phone /origin-api/api/change-phone/{phone} Path does not match
142 api_confirm_phone /origin-api/api/confirm-phone/{token}/{code} Path does not match
143 api_change_email /origin-api/api/change-email/{email} Path does not match
144 app_error /error Path does not match
145 front_api_get_person_by_phone /front-public-origin-api/api//{phone} Path does not match
146 front_api_get_person_by_email /front-public-origin-api/api/get-person-by-email/{email} Path does not match
147 front_tempticket_check /front-public-origin-api/api/tempticket/check Path does not match
148 front_tempticket_remove /front-public-origin-api/api/tempticket/remove/{ticket} Path does not match
149 front_tempticket_add /front-public-origin-api/api/tempticket/add/{ticket} Path does not match
150 front_api_raffle_add_tickets /front-public-origin-api/api/raffle/add-tickets Path does not match
151 front_api_create_payment /front-public-origin-api/api/create-payment/{amount} Path does not match
152 front_api_reset_password /front-public-origin-api/api/reset-password Path does not match
153 front_api_reset_password_user /front-public-origin-api/api/reset-password/{id} Path does not match
154 front_api_get_roles /front-public-origin-api/api/roles/{user} Path does not match
155 front_api_change_phone /front-public-origin-api/api/change-phone/{phone} Path does not match
156 front_api_confirm_phone /front-public-origin-api/api/confirm-phone/{token}/{code} Path does not match
157 front_api_change_email /front-public-origin-api/api/change-email/{email} Path does not match
158 front_raffle_raffles /tombola/tombolas Path does not match
159 front_raffle_raffles_msg /tombola/tombolas/{message} Path does not match
160 front_raffle_sale_takeaway_distant /tombola/prevente-distante Path does not match
161 front_raffle_sale_takeaway_distant_order /tombola/prevente-distante/{order}/{classe} Path does not match
162 front_raffle_sale_takeaway /tombola/prevente Path does not match
163 front_raffle_rules /tombola/regles-du-jeu Path does not match
164 front_raffle_rgpd /raffle/rgpd/{raffle}.jpg Path does not match
165 front_raffle_draw_api /origin-api/api/raffle/draw Path does not match
166 front_raffle_sale_reference_mode /t/{reference}/{mode} Path does not match
167 front_raffle_sale_reference /t/{reference} Path does not match
168 front_raffle_sale_token /tombola/v/{token} Path does not match
169 front_raffle_reset /tombola/resetAll Path does not match
170 front_raffle_cancel /tombola/annuler Path does not match
171 front_raffle_new /tombola/initier Path does not match
172 front_raffle_prizes /tombola/lots Path does not match
173 front_raffle_prizes_msg /tombola/lots/{message} Path does not match
174 front_raffle_prize /tombola/lot/{id} Path does not match
175 front_raffle_prize_msg /tombola/lot/{id}/{message} Path does not match
176 front_raffle_prize_image /tombola/lot/{lot}/image/{id} Path does not match
177 front_raffle_prize_reorder /tombola/reorder/lot/{id}/{dir} Path does not match
178 front_raffle_prize_image_reorder /tombola/reorder/lot/{lot}/image/{id}/{dir} Path does not match
179 front_raffle_prize_image_delete /tombola/delete/lot/{lot}/image/{id} Path does not match
180 front_raffle_prize_delete /tombola/delete/lot/{id} Path does not match
181 front_sale /vente Path does not match
182 front_sale_products /vente/produits Path does not match
183 front_sale_products_msg /vente/produits/{message} Path does not match
184 front_product /vente/produit/{id} Path does not match
185 front_product_delete /vente/delete/produit/{id} Path does not match
186 front_sale_productCategories /vente/produits-categorie Path does not match
187 front_sale_productCategories_msg /vente/produits-categorie/{message} Path does not match
188 front_productCategory /vente/produit-categorie/{id} Path does not match
189 front_productCategory_delete /vente/delete/produit-categorie/{id} Path does not match
190 front_sale_events /vente/evenements Path does not match
191 front_sale_events_msg /vente/evenements/{message} Path does not match
192 front_sale_history_by_sale /vente/evenement/{id}/historique/par-vente Path does not match
193 front_sale_history_by_product /vente/evenement/{id}/historique/par-produit Path does not match
194 front_event /vente/evenement/{id} Path does not match
195 front_event_delete /vente/delete/evenement/{id} Path does not match
196 front_sale_checkouts /vente/caisses Path does not match
197 front_sale_checkouts_msg /vente/caisses/{message} Path does not match
198 front_checkout /vente/caisse/{id}/edition Path does not match
199 front_checkout_sale /vente/caisse/{id}/vente Path does not match
200 front_checkout_delete /vente/delete/caisse/{id} Path does not match
201 front_sale_reference_mode /s/{reference}/{mode} Path does not match
202 front_sale_reference /s/{reference} Path does not match
203 front_api_sale_reference /origin-api/api/s/{reference} Path does not match
204 front_sale_reference_print /origin-api/api/print/s/{reference} Path does not match
205 front_sale_ta_print /origin-api/api/print/ta/{label} Path does not match
206 front_sale_reference_print_classe /origin-api/api/print/s/{reference}/{classe} Path does not match
207 front_sale_reference_sms /origin-api/api/sms/s/{reference}/{id}/{number}/{optin} Path does not match
208 front_sale_reference_email /origin-api/api/email/s/{reference}/{id}/{email}/{optin} Path does not match
209 front_sale_reference_pdf /origin-api/api/pdf/s/{reference} Path does not match
210 route_gallery_images /galerie/images Path does not match
211 route_gallery_images_msg /galerie/images/{message} Path does not match
212 route_gallery_image_delete /galerie/image/delete/{id} Path does not match
213 route_gallery_image /galerie/image/{id} Path does not match
214 route_gift_basket_gift_baskets /panier-garni/paniers-garnis Path does not match
215 route_gift_basket_gift_baskets_msg /panier-garni/paniers-garnis/{message} Path does not match
216 route_gift_basket_weight /panier-garni/peser/{id} Path does not match
217 route_gift_basket_new /panier-garni/initier Path does not match
218 route_gift_basket_cancel /panier-garni/annuler/{id} Path does not match
219 route_gift_basket_types /panier-garni/{id}/types Path does not match
220 route_gift_basket_types_msg /panier-garni/{id}/types/{message} Path does not match
221 route_gift_basket_type /panier-garni/{id}/type/{tid} Path does not match
222 route_gift_basket_type_cancel /panier-garni/annuler/type/{id} Path does not match
223 route_gift_basket_rgpd /gift-basket/rgpd/{giftBasket}.jpg Path does not match
224 route_index / Path does not match
225 route_index_benevole_old /benevoles Path does not match
226 app_privacy /donnees-personnelles Path does not match
227 route_privacy_embeded /politique-de-confidentialite-embeded Path does not match
228 route_privacy /politique-de-confidentialite Path almost matches, but Host "" does not match the requirement ("")
229 route_cookies /politique-de-cookies Path does not match
230 route_cookies_embeded /politique-de-cookies-embeded Path does not match
231 route_legals /mentions-legales Path does not match
232 app_login /se-connecter Path does not match
233 app_volunteers_login /auth Path does not match
234 app_volunteers_logout /logout Path does not match
235 app_admin_login /auth Path does not match
236 app_admin_logout /logout Path does not match
237 app_relogin /se-connecter/{message} Path does not match
238 app_forgotten_password /mot-de-passe-oublie Path does not match
239 app_logout /se-deconnecter Path does not match
240 route_marketing_campainStopSMS /marketing/campagnes/stopSMS Path does not match
241 route_marketing_campains /marketing/campagnes Path does not match
242 route_marketing_campains_sms /marketing/campagne/sms Path does not match
243 route_marketing_campains_email /marketing/campagne/email Path does not match
244 campain_delete /marketing/delete/campagne/{id} Path does not match
245 route_marketing_campains_msg /marketing/campagnes/{message} Path does not match
246 route_parameters_users /parametres/utilisateurs Path does not match
247 route_parameters_users_msg /parametres/utilisateurs/{message} Path does not match
248 route_parameters_user_delete /parametres/utilisateur/supprimer/{id} Path does not match
249 route_parameters_user_edit /parametres/utilisateur/editer/{id} Path does not match
250 route_parameters_setting /parametres/preferences Path does not match
251 route_parameters_quotas /parametres/quotas Path does not match
252 route_raffle_raffles /tombola/tombolas Path does not match
253 route_raffle_raffles_msg /tombola/tombolas/{message} Path does not match
254 route_raffle_sale_takeaway_distant_print_again /tombola/prevente-distante-print-again Path does not match
255 route_raffle_sale_takeaway_distant /tombola/prevente-distante Path does not match
256 route_raffle_sale_takeaway_distant_order /tombola/prevente-distante/{order}/{classe} Path does not match
257 route_raffle_sale_takeaway /tombola/prevente Path does not match
258 route_raffle_rules /tombola/regles-du-jeu Path does not match
259 route_raffle_rgpd /raffle/rgpd/{raffle}.jpg Path does not match
260 route_raffle_draw_api /origin-api/api/raffle/draw Path does not match
261 route_raffle_draw /tombola/tirage Path does not match
262 route_raffle_sale_reference_mode /t/{reference}/{mode} Path does not match
263 route_raffle_sale_reference /t/{reference} Path does not match
264 route_raffle_sale_token /tombola/v/{token} Path does not match
265 route_raffle_reset /tombola/resetAll Path does not match
266 route_raffle_cancel /tombola/annuler Path does not match
267 route_raffle_new /tombola/initier Path does not match
268 route_raffle_prizes /tombola/lots Path does not match
269 route_raffle_prizes_msg /tombola/lots/{message} Path does not match
270 route_raffle_prize /tombola/lot/{id} Path does not match
271 route_raffle_prize_msg /tombola/lot/{id}/{message} Path does not match
272 route_raffle_prize_image /tombola/lot/{lot}/image/{id} Path does not match
273 route_raffle_prize_reorder /tombola/reorder/lot/{id}/{dir} Path does not match
274 route_raffle_prize_image_reorder /tombola/reorder/lot/{lot}/image/{id}/{dir} Path does not match
275 route_raffle_prize_image_delete /tombola/delete/lot/{lot}/image/{id} Path does not match
276 route_raffle_prize_delete /tombola/delete/lot/{id} Path does not match
277 route_sale /vente Path does not match
278 route_sale_products /vente/produits Path does not match
279 route_sale_products_msg /vente/produits/{message} Path does not match
280 route_product /vente/produit/{id} Path does not match
281 route_product_delete /vente/delete/produit/{id} Path does not match
282 route_sale_productCategories /vente/produits-categorie Path does not match
283 route_sale_productCategories_msg /vente/produits-categorie/{message} Path does not match
284 route_productCategory /vente/produit-categorie/{id} Path does not match
285 route_productCategory_delete /vente/delete/produit-categorie/{id} Path does not match
286 route_sale_events /vente/evenements Path does not match
287 route_sale_events_msg /vente/evenements/{message} Path does not match
288 route_sale_history_by_sale /vente/evenement/{id}/historique/par-vente Path does not match
289 route_sale_history_by_product /vente/evenement/{id}/historique/par-produit Path does not match
290 route_event /vente/evenement/{id} Path does not match
291 route_event_delete /vente/delete/evenement/{id} Path does not match
292 route_sale_checkouts /vente/caisses Path does not match
293 route_sale_checkouts_msg /vente/caisses/{message} Path does not match
294 route_checkout /vente/caisse/{id}/edition Path does not match
295 route_checkout_sale /vente/caisse/{id}/vente Path does not match
296 route_checkout_delete /vente/delete/caisse/{id} Path does not match
297 route_sale_reference_mode /s/{reference}/{mode} Path does not match
298 route_sale_reference /s/{reference} Path does not match
299 api_sale_reference /origin-api/api/s/{reference} Path does not match
300 route_sale_reference_print /origin-api/api/print/s/{reference} Path does not match
301 route_sale_ta_print /origin-api/api/print/ta/{label} Path does not match
302 route_sale_reference_print_classe /origin-api/api/print/s/{reference}/{classe} Path does not match
303 route_sale_reference_sms /origin-api/api/sms/s/{reference}/{id}/{number}/{optin} Path does not match
304 route_sale_reference_email /origin-api/api/email/s/{reference}/{id}/{email}/{optin} Path does not match
305 route_sale_reference_pdf /origin-api/api/pdf/s/{reference} Path does not match
306 app_token /r/{token} Path does not match
307 app_privacy_show /donnees-personnelles/{token} Path does not match
308 app_set_new_user /initialisation-du-compte-utilisateur/{token} Path does not match
309 app_set_new_password /initialisation-du-mot-de-passe/{token} Path does not match
310 app_reconsent /renouvelement-du-consentement/{token} Path does not match
311 app_optout /optout/{token} Path does not match
312 app_reset_password /réinitialisation-du-mot-de-passe/{token} Path does not match
313 app_change_email /changement-de-l-email/{token} Path does not match
314 route_account /compte-utilisateur Path does not match
315 route_volunteer_index / Path does not match
316 app_volunteers_connect_google /google-auth/connect/google Path does not match
317 app_volunteers_connect_google_check /google-auth/connect/google/check Path does not match
318 api_login_check /api/login_check Path does not match

Note: These matching logs are based on the current router configuration, which might differ from the configuration used when profiling this request.